Year in Review: 2021

It's hard to process when we think that there was a time in March of 2020 when we thought we were going into lockdown for two weeks. It's now been two years and still the pandemic continues.
Not to start this post on a super downer note, because lots of great things happened to me in 2021, but the ending was not so great. I haven't posted in a few weeks because I've been pretty sick. Is it Omicron? I did test negative, but... ??? Who knows.
I'm slowly getting my energy back and I've started to cook again, so hopefully some new content soon.
I just booked my booster today, and from a lot of the stuff I've been reading, Omicron is Covid's last gasp. I don't know that I can rightly believe it, but I'd like to hope that this period of our lives could be laid to rest soon.
Meanwhile, I'm going to rewatch Searching for Italy and daydream about my next trip. This show was definitely one of the things that helped maintain my sanity this past year. That and negronis. Thank you, Stanley Tucci.
Okay, let's talk the year's highlights.
Well, there was that cookbook.... 😉
The one that almost wasn't, and then was. It's always a delight to see your name in print, and I really love the new recipes in this book. It was a joy to write.
While there are no trips to Italy (or anywhere else) planned any time soon, I was able to take a few local staycations with my kiddo, which is the thing we love to do best. For me, the highlight of my year was getting to Tofino. I cannot tell you how content and happy my soul is walking on that beach. It's the happiest I've been in a long time, and I got to share that with my favourite human in the whole world.
We also got in a quick trip to the Sunshine Coast before Omicron really blew up (we were by ourselves in a cabin with no one around, so I felt pretty safe) and got to do a few really beautiful bucket-list hikes.
My business continues to shift and change and grow. This year I made more money as an influencer than I have I think ever before. This is a trend I think I'd like to see more of in 2022.
Let's talk top posts:
Vegan Pomarola: speaking of Tucci, this was one of the recipes he discovered on his show, and I veganized it.
Ice Cream Bombe: another big contributor to my 2021 was Nora's Ice Cream, the local brand that makes the most delicious plant-based ice cream you've ever had.
Marzipan Cookies: a recipe from my new cookbook, Vegan Baking Made Easy, these are both vegan and gluten free, and YUM.
Vegan Labneh: a yogurt-based Mediterranean dip (in this case made from coconut yogurt).
Vegan Pistachio Panna Cotta: I've been making vegan panna cotta using agar and coconut milk for years, and this one is special because of the pistachio.
Well, here's to 2022. It feels like we've been here before (twice!) but hopefully this is the year we get our lives back?? And if it isn't, may we make the most of it anyway.
Happy New Year everyone. Stay safe and healthy.