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Vegan Smash Tacos

Vegan Smash Tacos

Here’s something you maybe didn’t know about me: I lived in Newfoundland for a big chunk of my life. It’s true! While I was born in Vancouver, and I lived here till I was 12, the summer I turned 13, my mom, dad, my brother 

Vegan Crêpes

Vegan Crêpes

Sometimes, the universe just wants you to make some damn crêpes. It started back in the fall when I got a new crêpe pan. I’d had one for ages, but it was teflon-coated, and I’m trying to move anything teflon out of my kitchen. I 

Peanut Butter Cookies for my Dad

Peanut Butter Cookies for my Dad

A couple of weeks ago, I lost my dad. This was neither sudden nor unexpected. My dad had just turned 93, and there had been many times in the last couple of years we thought might lose him. Over the last five years or so, 

Savoury Dutch Baby

Savoury Dutch Baby

Exactly a year ago, I took a writing workshop that changed my life. I know that sounds hyperbolic, and maybe it is, a little. Simply put: I was working two jobs, and one of them was starting to feel not great, for a variety of 

DIY Seasoning Salt for Gifting

DIY Seasoning Salt for Gifting

Well, it’s the middle of October, and I’m already seeing businesses (I’m looking at you, Costco and Dollarama) putting out their Christmas merch. I mean, it’s not even Hallowe’en yet… Sigh. However, I do like to think in advance for Christmas, and that’s mostly because 

How Recipes Keep Us Connected

How Recipes Keep Us Connected

There are two things that keep me connected to my mom, whom I lost to cancer in 2008. The first is her wedding rings. My dad gave them to me after she died, and sometimes I wear them when I feel like I need a 

Susgrainable Apple Cake for Fall

Susgrainable Apple Cake for Fall

Well, it’s officially fall. Seems like overnight everything has gone all pumpkin-spiced, and it looks like this post will be no exception, because those same warming spices bring all the fall vibes to an Apple Cake. Earlier this year, I was named one of the 

Walnut Hummus

Walnut Hummus

Well, folks, it’s time to face the music and get back to reality. After a fun summer off, it’s time to head back to school this week, and events are starting to ramp up again as well! I got to attend a really fun event 

Vegan Eats in Edmonton (#YEG)

Vegan Eats in Edmonton (#YEG)

Eating and travelling are probably two of my most favourite things. Travel is something I’ve not done in a very, very long time, at least not in a significant way. I’ve done lots of road trips in the past four years, but between the pandemic 

Ooni Pizza Oven Test Drive

Ooni Pizza Oven Test Drive

Truth be told, there was a time when there was pretty much always a box of Kirkland Cheese Pizzas in my deep freeze. They were really handy to have on hand for a quick dinner for M and I; I’d just throw my own toppings