Vegan S’mores #aquafaba

You know what I love about vegan cooking? Everyone can eat it.

Most of you out there probably think the opposite of Vegan cooking. It's exclusionary. You can't eat any cheese, milk or butter? No meat? That rules out most people, right?

vegan s'mores made with aquafaba marshmallow fluff

Not really. If you look a cross-section of my friends, you'll find lots who have celiac disease, and there therefore gluten-free, and more who have allergies of different kinds (one of my friends is allergic to chocolate). And I'm not alone. 2.5 Million Canadians have food allergies, 300,000 of which are kids.

I also have friends whose religious beliefs prevent them from eating pork or beef. I have friends who are vegetarian or vegan. What can they all agree on, though? Vegan. If you have an egg or a dairy allergy, vegan foods are great, because they don't have any of those. Clearly there's no meat, so nothing to worry about there. If you have celiac, you need to choose gluten-free options, but for the most part, everyone can eat vegan food.

And vegan doesn't have to equal boring or "just lettuce." Everyone should be able to indulge in their favourite foods sometimes.


Want more Aquafaba recipes? Check out my new cookbook: Aquafabulous!: 100+ Egg-Free Vegan Recipes Using Aquafaba (Bean Water)


This blog post is for my friend Peggy. Her little miss is a vegetarian, and she also is a Girl Guide. She recently attended a camp, where, of course, there were s'mores. As there should be! No camp out is complete without s'mores!

But marshmallows have gelatin in them, which is an animal by-product, so my friend Peggy's daughter didn't have s'mores at her camp. I want to change that, and make it so everyone, no matter what their beliefs or allergies, gets to have s'mores.

There's one more wrinkle in this conversation, however, and that is fire bans. We are set for another long, hot summer, and watering restrictions and fire bans are already going into place.

This version of s'mores can be eaten raw or you can use a torch (as I did) to get that toasty texture on your marshmallow fluff.

vegan s'mores aquafabaVegan S'mores (made with Aquafaba)


  • 2 tbsp aquafaba
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/8 tsp cream of tartar
  • Graham crackers (graham crackers, like Oreos, are actually vegan, just make sure you buy the kind without honey, gluten free if needed)
  • Vegan chocolate (I recommend Enjoy Life Mega Chunks, they are allergen free)aquafaba marshmallow flulff


  1. In a stand mixer, place the aquafaba, sugar and cream of tartar. Whip for about 10-15 minutes, until fluffy and peaks form. It will be a similar texture to marshmallow fluff.
  2. To assemble: lay down one graham cracker, and place a few pieces of chocolate on top. Top with a generous spoonful of the aquafaba marshmallow fluff. Use a torch to toast the marshmallow, and melt the chocolate. Top with a second graham cracker and get in there!


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