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Lemon-Rosemary Polenta Cake

Lemon-Rosemary Polenta Cake

You may have noticed I’m a little obsessed with savoury ingredients in sweet preparations lately. I’ve been working a lot with fruit, but hitting the sweetness with a savoury twist that makes it… interesting and gives it a greater depth of flavour. My herbs are 

Vegan Panna Cotta with Blueberry-Balsamic Compote

Vegan Panna Cotta with Blueberry-Balsamic Compote

Earlier this summer, I fell in love with panna cotta. Panna cotta is like creme brulee’s country cousin; it’s still a creamy, pudding-like dream, but it doesn’t require eggs. It’s thickened, instead, with gelatin. Now, gelatin makes me a little nervous. I’m unsure where exactly 

“Kitchen Sink” Salsa

“Kitchen Sink” Salsa

Summer is ending. The kids are back in school, and we are on the cusp of fall. I’ve even seen a few leaves… While I’m not overjoyed at losing my freedom and bike rides to the beach, I’m really excited that classes are starting up 

Coconut Bacon (vegan, gluten-free, paleo)

Coconut Bacon (vegan, gluten-free, paleo)

I’m sorry, now, what?? Coconut. Bacon. Those two words don’t go together, do they?? Um, yes, yes they do! So… I have been on a quest for the best vegetarian bacon. But this–you can make this. And the joy of making your own is that 

Tips For Taking Fabulous Food Photos

Tips For Taking Fabulous Food Photos

When I started this blog a few years back, the photos that accompanied the recipes were… horrible. I mean, really, really bad. Cel phone photos, mostly, which improved marginally when I moved from a BlackBerry to the iPhone 4. I went through a Hipstamatic phase 

Flourless Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce

Flourless Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce

Yesterday was my friend Jen’s (read-head Jen, to those of you who know how many Jens I have in my life) birthday. Jen decided she wanted to go retro and have her party at a bowling alley, so a group of us met up at 

Curried-Coconut Vegetable Soup

Curried-Coconut Vegetable Soup

Whoa! Where did January go?? Well, I don’t know about you, but mine was stuffed. Teaching twice as many classes as usual, preparing for The Wellness Show, oh, and some personal business as well. Somehow the month just slipped by, and me no posty. But 

Cream-Cheese Layered Pumpkin Loaf

Cream-Cheese Layered Pumpkin Loaf

Fall. Cozy layers. Pumpkin. These things all seem to go together, don’t they? So, it makes sense to make a pumpkin loaf that layers in cream cheese. Right? Who’s with me? Michael and I made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch last week, and 

Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

Hello, fall!! Here in Vancouver, the rain has set in, sending me off on a flurry of digging out my rain boots, long pants and sweaters. Kitcheny thoughts turn to comfort food: soup, pie, anything made with apples or pumpkin. Yep, it’s the time of 

Vegan, Gluten-Free “Pulled Pork” Tacos

Vegan, Gluten-Free “Pulled Pork” Tacos

Okay. So, we can have a whole debate about whether or not vegetarian folks are interested in eating food that looks like meat. We can even debate whether or not we should try to convince meat-eaters that vegetarian food is just as yum as meat