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Kale Chips (Dehydrator Method)

Kale Chips (Dehydrator Method)

Kale Chips are a gateway drug. You see, there was a time when my kid wouldn’t have touched kale with 10-foot-pole. Nope. Absolutely would never happen. But then, I made him some Kale Chips. And they were so good, and he liked them so much, 

Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Pie

Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Pie

I am entranced. I just discovered these purple sweet potatoes, and I am in love with their colour. Have you ever seen anything like it in nature? Sure, eggplants, yeah, but they’re only that colour on the outside. These beauties are purple all the way 

Healthy Breakfast Cookies

Healthy Breakfast Cookies

How are you guys doing? It’s fall here in Vancouver, and that means buckets of rain. I mean buckets. As I type this, there is a live rainfall warning–they are predicting 100mm in the next 24 hours. I’m a summer girl. If I could live 

Foraged Mushrooms and Polenta

Foraged Mushrooms and Polenta

This is the story of a girl who went on a hike in her backyard. Last weekend was our Canadian Thanksgiving. I ended up being a rare situation where I had 4 days off in a row with no classes to teach, and because my 

What to Do After You Hit Publish #IFBC15

What to Do After You Hit Publish #IFBC15

Later this morning, I’ll be co-presenting a workshop with Lorraine Goldberg of at the International Food Blogger’s Conference in Seattle. Our presentation is called What to Do After You Hit Publish, and it’s all about how to use social sharing to drive traffic to 

How to Pair Food with Beer

How to Pair Food with Beer

If you’re like most people, beer is your beverage of choice to chill out and cool down. Beer is all about the casual good times in life. Finished mowing the lawn on a hot day? You deserve a beer! Hanging out at your cottage on 

Grilled Caesar Salad

Grilled Caesar Salad

You know what I absolutely hate? When you get a sandwich, and the lettuce is so old and wilted inside that it is a string of dark green mush. It’s a huge turn-off! This often happens when sandwich shops pre-make their sandwiches, and then they 

Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie #AquaFaba

Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie #AquaFaba

Earlier this week, I shared a lemon mousse recipe I’d made with sauerkraut. In the spirit of making desserts when life hands you lemons, today’s recipe is a vegan lemon meringue pie. This recipe wouldn’t be possible without aquafaba, which is kind of my new 

Vegan Chocolate Mousse #Aquafaba

Vegan Chocolate Mousse #Aquafaba

Well, ever since I discovered aquafaba, I’ve been having so much fun playing with it! This really is a game-changer for those who have egg allergies, or who are vegan. It opens up a whole world of possibilities! Earlier, I made meringues, and I’m looking 

Aquafaba: Vegan Meringue

Aquafaba: Vegan Meringue

A couple weeks back, my dear friend Jenn added me to a facebook group called Vegan Meringue: Hits and Misses. At first, I had no idea why, and then I became really intrigued. Regular readers to this blog will know that, while I’m not vegan,