Party for the Planet

(This post kindly sponsored by The City of Surrey)
Whenever anyone asks me why I don't eat meat, my response is always the same: it's about sustainability and the environment. My philosophy has always been, "if we could just eat less meat, it could make a huge impact."
So I was happy to see that all the food trucks at this year's Party for the Planet (on April 30 in Surrey) are going to offer plant-based options!
Okay, more about that in a bit, first off, some general info on the event. Can you even believe that we're having events again, after the last two years? YAY!!
Party for the Planet is a celebration of Earth Day (which is on April 22), and this will be its 11th year. Party for the Planet happens annually to focus on all things about sustainable living.
The event is free, and it takes place at Surrey's Civic Plaza, which is easily accessible by skytrain (you can also ride, Bike Valet will be provided). Here's a rundown of what you can expect at this year's event:
- Live performances: bands, musicians, dancers. The one I'm most excited about seeing is rising star Dacey, and also something called The Abbotsford Skipping Sensations??!?
- Speakers and workshops: I'm most excited to learn how to make bannock from The Bannock Queen, and learn how to make a solar-powered Light Mason Jar or a dream catcher.
- There will also be a plant sale focused on pollinators for your garden, and a sustainable marketplace with vendors selling environmentally-friendly products and lots of Indigenous Art. The Refill Stop will also be there, so bring your jars and bottles.
- There will also be a clothing swap. Purchasing second hand and upcycling are huge right now in the sustainable/green movement, so you can bring your own clean, reusable clothes to swap for something new.
- Sensory-friendly space: for those of you who have kids (or you yourself) who get overwhelmed in a big crowd (and let's be real, after the past two years, that's pretty much all of us), there will be a quiet space to go and chill away from the hustle and bustle.
In addition to all this, let's talk about my favourite part: the food!! There will be loads of food trucks to try at the event, many of my favourites. The list includes:
- Reel Mac and Cheese
- Insomniac Coffee Co. (bring your reusable coffee cup!)
- TL Mini Donuts
- Dirty Vegan (haven't tried this one yet, so excited to do so)
- Chickpea Food Truck (my #1 all-time fave)
- Gary's Kettle Corn
- Bannock Queen
- B&B Burger
- Slavic Rolls
Pretty much all of the food trucks will include plant-based, vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. Hooray!
I'll be there, and I hope to see you there!
Party for the Planet
April 30, 2022 | 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Surrey Civic Plaza (13450 104 Avenue)
Free Admission