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“Rescued” Banana Ice Cream

“Rescued” Banana Ice Cream

One thing I legit maybe talk about too much is sustainability. But also, can you talk about it too much? If the environmental issues of the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that climate change is real, and we all need to make 

Mushroom Ragout on Soft Polenta {Vegan}

Mushroom Ragout on Soft Polenta {Vegan}

Honestly, kids, I don’t have much to say. Life is quiet. And a touch boring. And I really like it that way. Yes, I miss travel, and I yearn to just go somewhere. But also given how frenetic the past few months have been, I’m 

Pisco Sour Cocktail

Pisco Sour Cocktail

Republished Jan 22, 2022 in memory of Kumiko Umeno. RIP friend.  A wonderful way to explore a new country’s culture is through its food and drink. You can learn so much that way. The Bahn Mi is a great example of this. This delicious sandwich 

Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini

In the days of my misspent youth, I once went to New York City with a boyfriend for a gig he was doing. While we were there, we went to a party. Of course. It was outdoors, in Harlem, on the roof, and it was 

Crispy Roasted Cabbage

Crispy Roasted Cabbage

Well, here we are, nearly the middle of January and I’m just getting back up (very slowly) to speed. I’ve been down with a pretty bad bug for several weeks. I know what you’re thinking, because I was thinking the same thing, but I did 

Year in Review: 2021

Year in Review: 2021

It’s hard to process when we think that there was a time in March of 2020 when we thought we were going into lockdown for two weeks. It’s now been two years and still the pandemic continues. Not to start this post on a super 

Eggnog Nanaimo Bars {Vegan}

Eggnog Nanaimo Bars {Vegan}

Over here on the Pacific side of Canada, there’s a little town on Vancouver Island called Nanaimo. And that town is famous for a specific treat called–you guessed it–Nanaimo Bars. Why are they good? Oooooh so many reasons. If you’ve never had one, a Nanaimo 

Vegan Holiday Pie

Vegan Holiday Pie

Well, it’s that time of the year! One of the problems with being vegetarian or vegan is that the turkey no longer becomes the centrepiece of the meal. You remove that from the equation, and what do you replace it with?? You want it to 

Vegan Food at the Vancouver Christmas Market 2021

Vegan Food at the Vancouver Christmas Market 2021

Things! Are! Happening! We’ve been walking around (well, mostly huddled in our homes, tbh), for the past two years saying “we can’t wait to get our lives back to normal,” and while it’s increasingly looking like our lives may never get back to normal, or 

Autumn Apple Cake  {Vegan}

Autumn Apple Cake {Vegan}

Well, it’s November. It gets dark at 5 pm and here in BC we appear to be living in some kind of environmental apocalypse. Large chunks of our province are currently under water, and any land routes in and out of the lower mainland have