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Scones à la Forage

Scones à la Forage

I live in the West End, and I have walked past Forage a tonne of times. I even tried to eat there once or twice, but I ended up there at times when they were closed. I was really happy to finally make it there 

Homemade Oreos (Vegan)

Homemade Oreos (Vegan)

For those of you that are still holding tight to your new years resolutions of eating less sugar, I have a couple of options for you this week. Today, I feature a recipe for homemade Oreos that are much lower in sugar, and later in 

My DIY $20 Lighting Kit for Food Photography

My DIY $20 Lighting Kit for Food Photography

It’s winter! And it’s dark! Thank goodness we’re finally past the shortest day of the year, and the days are finally starting to get longer. But it’s been harder and harder to get really good photos these last couple of months, because I rely pretty 

Chocolate Bliss Balls

Chocolate Bliss Balls

In keeping with the chocolate-decadent-yet-healthy theme that appears to be developing this week on my blog, I bring you… chocolate bliss balls. If you’ve never had a bliss ball, well, then you truly haven’t lived. They’re kind of a cross between a truffle and an 

Vegan Pate with Lentils, Cashews and Shitakes

Vegan Pate with Lentils, Cashews and Shitakes

With the holidays coming up, many of us are probably thinking of entertaining. Or you will likely get asked to parties, and may be required to bring something along. Last week, I confessed that I wanted to entertain more… and so I did! I had 

Salted Caramel Apple Martini

Salted Caramel Apple Martini

Well, speaking of entertaining… I have been enjoying these liqueurs for the last couple of weeks. I’d used them to make an tarte tatin, but I figured it was time to do some mixing and use them what they were really meant for: cocktails. I 

Gluten-Free, Buckwheat Crêpes

Gluten-Free, Buckwheat Crêpes

Crêpes. The very word implies elegance, decadence, exoticism. You can instantly picture yourself eating one while strolling along the Seine wearing a beret and gazing at the Eiffel Tower. Crêpes are one of those things you don’t make at home… one of those things you only 

Julia Child’s Apple Tarte Tatin

Julia Child’s Apple Tarte Tatin

Find a vegan version of this Apple Tarte Tatin here.  This is the stuff dreams are made of. In cooking, sometimes, the whole is greater than the sum of its  parts. A few years back, in Greece, I had a Greek Salad. I was on 

Pumpkin Scones

Pumpkin Scones

Will I quit with the pumpkin recipes, already??? No, no I will not. Okay. I will. But just give me this one last one…. My son has discovered scones. He loves them because he can get up in the morning and “make” his own breakfast, 

Lemon-Rosemary Polenta Cake

Lemon-Rosemary Polenta Cake

You may have noticed I’m a little obsessed with savoury ingredients in sweet preparations lately. I’ve been working a lot with fruit, but hitting the sweetness with a savoury twist that makes it… interesting and gives it a greater depth of flavour. My herbs are