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Fraser Valley Foodie Tour

Fraser Valley Foodie Tour

Remember how I told you a few weeks back that my goal for this summer is to explore my own backyard? Well, I have been! Today’s backyard destination is the Fraser Valley. Just about an hour’s drive from downtown Vancouver, the Valley stretches from Langley 

Blueberry Shortcake {Vegan}

Blueberry Shortcake {Vegan}

There are two schools of thought when it comes to shortcake: there are the biscuit folks and then there are the cake folks. Neither is wrong. It’s just what you prefer. Shortcake made on a biscuit tends to be a bit heavier in texture, and 

Vegan Mirror Glaze

Vegan Mirror Glaze

You probably already know this about me, but I love to bake. What you may or may not know about me is that I am terrible at decorating. Like I watch shows like Nailed It on Netflix and honestly I don’t know that I could 

Vegan Compost Cookies

Vegan Compost Cookies

Guys, I failed you. Sorry. I was in Toronto at this time last year, and I was attending a conference. There was lots to do, lots to see, and lots to eat. I had many entries on my list of places I wanted to eat 

Aquafaba Buttercream {Vegan}

Aquafaba Buttercream {Vegan}

Let’s face it, there isn’t much I haven’t tried to do with Aquafaba, and many of my efforts have been successful. I still haven’t mastered vegan choux pastry yet. Maybe that one isn’t doable? But the more I play with it, the more impressed I 

The Cheesiest! Vegan Instant Pot Mac and Cheese

The Cheesiest! Vegan Instant Pot Mac and Cheese

Now, not to sound like I’m totally fawning, but like many of you, I really love my Instant Pot. I got one at Christmas, and I have yet to put it away. It lives on my counter, and I use it a few times a 

Pao de Queijo or Brazilian Cheese Bread {Gluten Free}

Pao de Queijo or Brazilian Cheese Bread {Gluten Free}

My gateway drug to any culture has always been food. I remember so clearly the first time I tried curry. The first time I tried sushi. The first time I had real Chinese food. Falling in love with the culture, for me, always starts with 

Vegan Peanut Butter Mousse #Aquafaba

Vegan Peanut Butter Mousse #Aquafaba

Bean juice! It never fails to amaze me. Yup, even after writing an entire cookbook about it, every single time I whip some up in my stand mixer, it still feels like a miracle that I can make meringue with a waste product. Okay! So 

Portugese Tarts In Vancouver

Portugese Tarts In Vancouver

Last summer, when I was in the UK, I was staying with my friend Jeremy about an hour outside of London in Brighton. I set aside one day to take the train in and explore my favourite places in London; I had lunch at Nopi 

Amaretti Cookies {Vegan}

Amaretti Cookies {Vegan}

This is my second cookie recipe this week, both of which feature aquafaba. When I was doing research for this recipe, I had to go a bit further afield–Commercial Drive to be exact. I hadn’t had amaretti cookies in quite some time. They may not