Digital Marketing for Writers

The internet dominates so much of both our personal and professional lives these days, but this wasn't always true. I'm of the last generation that were born into a world without the internet. Yeah. I'm old.
I started writing when I was 9, and when I was 16, I won a pretty prestigious writing award in High School. The short story I submitted to that writing contest was published in an anthology. After that, I went to university, and more works were published in more anthologies there. It was at university that I got my first email address, and I thought that was pretty cool.
Later on, almost 20 years ago, I started blogging, and I fell into this role of helping artists and arts organizations to market themselves better using these new digital platforms.
Today, in 2025, it seems unthinkable that you would start a business without a website and at least a handful of social media platforms to get the word out. But as artists, we're often behind in this regard. One thing I hear a lot is "I just want to do my art, I don't want use that time having to market myself." And that's fair. But if you want to make money from your art, you're going to need to learn how to promote yourself so you can sell books, or sell yourself as a writer.
As writers, we have an advantage in this digital world because we're good with words. Marketing is really just about making connections with people, and words do that in a very powerful way.
After finishing The Writer's Studio last year, this challenge that many writers have of marketing themselves became even more apparent, and I started thinking about creating a course dedicated to digital marketing for writers. This is, after all, what I do at my day job every day. This is what has lead me to two traditionally-published cookbooks (Vegan Baking Made Easy & Aquafabulous!) and a host of other opportunities.
So, I'm working on this Digital Marketing for Writers course. It's actively in progress.
But in order to really serve the audience that needs it the most, I'd love to hear from them. Sooooo.... if you are a writer, I'd love to hear from you. If you know a writer, please forward this to them.
I have put together a 5-minute survey to ask about what you struggle with the most as a writer, attempting to market yourself in 2025. This will help me to create a course that will better serve your needs.
At the end, I ask for your email address, if you are interested in giving it. In this way, I'll be able to keep you up-t0-date with how the course is coming along, and when it's going to be launched.
Thanks so much!