Vegan Chocolate Mousse #Aquafaba

Vegan Chocolate Mousse #Aquafaba

Well, ever since I discovered aquafaba, I’ve been having so much fun playing with it! This really is a game-changer for those who have egg allergies, or who are vegan. It opens up a whole world of possibilities! Earlier, I made meringues, and I’m looking 

Aquafaba: Vegan Meringue

Aquafaba: Vegan Meringue

A couple weeks back, my dear friend Jenn added me to a facebook group called Vegan Meringue: Hits and Misses. At first, I had no idea why, and then I became really intrigued. Regular readers to this blog will know that, while I’m not vegan, 

Thug Kitchen: Vegan Tacos

Thug Kitchen: Vegan Tacos

Tacos!!! What is it about tacos?? They are the kind of thing you can eat with one hand, and you can pretty much make them with anything. They are a delicious, self-contained unit that includes all four food groups. And you know what else?? They’re 

Energy Bites {Vegan, Gluten-Free}

Energy Bites {Vegan, Gluten-Free}

One BIG challenge of being a food blogger is that you are always getting invites to amazing dinners and tastings. I’m not complaining, mind you, but sometimes it’s hard to fit in healthy eating in and around the fried chicken (which I ate last night). 

Thug Kitchen: Vegan Caesar Salad

Thug Kitchen: Vegan Caesar Salad

As a blogger, and someone who works in social media, I pay pretty close attention to trends in blogging. One great trend I’ve been happy to see is when food bloggers get cookbook deals. It happened to my friend Liz, and it’s happened to a 

Coconut Yogurt (Vegan)

Coconut Yogurt (Vegan)

I can’t think of a time where I had so much trouble with a recipe. I set out, months ago, to make a truly vegan yogurt, and I have failed so many times, I’ve lost count. I was determined, though, to make it work, and 

DIY Coconut Milk

DIY Coconut Milk

A can of coconut milk is something my pantry is never without. I love that stuff. I use it a lot especially when I’m cooking vegan; it is an admirable substitute for whipping cream. I add it to pureed vegetable soups to give them that 

Asian-Inspired Soba Noodle Salad

Asian-Inspired Soba Noodle Salad

It’s hot. Who wants to cook? Not me. I’m craving fresh, cool, crunchy vegetables, instead. Minced green herbs that pack a punch. And a dressing that has a fiery afterglow. This Asian-Inspired Soba Noodle Salad is one of my go-to salads in the summer. I 

Homemade Oreos (Vegan)

Homemade Oreos (Vegan)

For those of you that are still holding tight to your new years resolutions of eating less sugar, I have a couple of options for you this week. Today, I feature a recipe for homemade Oreos that are much lower in sugar, and later in 

Vegan Pate with Lentils, Cashews and Shitakes

Vegan Pate with Lentils, Cashews and Shitakes

With the holidays coming up, many of us are probably thinking of entertaining. Or you will likely get asked to parties, and may be required to bring something along. Last week, I confessed that I wanted to entertain more… and so I did! I had