Roar Tofino

Roar Tofino

This is the second time I’ve stayed at Hotel Zed, but I didn’t eat at their in-house restaurant, Roar Tofino, the last time. If I’m being honest, it was because once I found out what the theme of the restaurant was, I immediately dismissed it 

7 Reasons to Stay at Hotel Zed Tofino (plus discount code!)

7 Reasons to Stay at Hotel Zed Tofino (plus discount code!)

For me, when I stay at a hotel or a resort, I’m always looking for the little details that set that property apart from any others. I recently stayed at the Hotel Zed in Tofino, and there is so much about this place that makes 

Vegan Eats in Edmonton (#YEG)

Vegan Eats in Edmonton (#YEG)

Eating and travelling are probably two of my most favourite things. Travel is something I’ve not done in a very, very long time, at least not in a significant way. I’ve done lots of road trips in the past four years, but between the pandemic 

High Protein Greek Salad {Vegan}

High Protein Greek Salad {Vegan}

What’s the greatest meal you’ve ever had in your life? For many people, what will spring to mind is a fancy restaurant, a special occasion, a birthday perhaps, or an anniversary. Maybe you saved for a long time to be able to eat at that 

Vegan Potato Pizza (Pizza Con Patate)

Vegan Potato Pizza (Pizza Con Patate)

My first full day in Paris, we biked over 30 kilometers. We went from the Farmer’s Market to brunch, to the canal and back again (vlog here). It was late and we were starving, and ended up at a pizza place in the 6th arrondissement. 

Rhubarb Frangipane Tart

Rhubarb Frangipane Tart

It feels like a lifetime since I travelled. Really, it was only 2018, but I had loose plans to go to Europe in 2020, and we all know what happened next. London… Paris… I miss these places. My friend Chantal, with whom I went to 

Party for the Planet

Party for the Planet

(This post kindly sponsored by The City of Surrey) Whenever anyone asks me why I don’t eat meat, my response is always the same: it’s about sustainability and the environment. My philosophy has always been, “if we could just eat less meat, it could make 

Versante Hotel and Bruno YVR

Versante Hotel and Bruno YVR

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you’re no doubt thinking about ways to mark the holiday of love, either for your special someone, a friend, or even for yourself. But also, we’re three years into a global pandemic, so let’s be real, anything big 

Pasta a la Pomarola {Vegan}

Pasta a la Pomarola {Vegan}

I have been obsessed, obsessed, I tell you, with the new series Searching for Italy with Stanley Tucci that’s been airing on CNN on Sunday nights (ps it just got renewed for Season 2!!). First of all, Tucci is 7 different kinds of amazing, and 

Mila Plant Based

Mila Plant Based

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m grateful to live in a city that is bursting with an abundance of plant-based restaurants (click to see my favourite vegan dishes in the city). Not just restaurants in a traditional vegan way. Don’t get