5 Minute Hollandaise

5 Minute Hollandaise

Hollandaise is one of those sauces that often feels like a restaurant thing. Like you’d never make it at home. It’s hard to make, right? Complicated? Emulsions are involved, blenders… It’s easier to just go out and order some eggs benny from a restaurant. You 

Sweet & Sour Meatballs {Vegan}

Sweet & Sour Meatballs {Vegan}

When I was growing up, my mom made this dish. It’s one of those dishes that has all the comfort food vibes: Sweet & Sour Meatballs. For a variety of reasons, I haven’t eaten this dish in many, many years. One is, my mom is 

Spaghetti Pie

Spaghetti Pie

Well, okay then. Here we are in 2021. Weird how hopeful we were for those first few days, especially, though really not much has changed. We’re still in the middle of a global pandemic. But there are glimmers of light on the horizon; a new 

Blueberry Goat Cheese Crostini

Blueberry Goat Cheese Crostini

Feels a bit weird to be writing a party recipe when there are no parties this year. Party of one? or two? Virtual parties? Next year? Maybe there’s something to be said for celebrating the little things this year. Like I have this bottle of 

Sourdough Focaccia

Sourdough Focaccia

When the going gets tough… the tough head to the kitchen. Cooking and writing have always been my best therapy. But there’s a bonus to being able to cook and bake, and that’s being able to take care of other people. A few nights ago, 

Air Fried French Fries

Air Fried French Fries

Happy September, friends! You may have noticed that I have been conspicuously absent these last couple of weeks. There has been a lot going on. First, it was my birthday, with his whirlwind of parties and cakes and friends. The week immediately after my birthday, 

Easy Apple Cider Vinegar Salad Dressing

Easy Apple Cider Vinegar Salad Dressing

It’s easy to get stuck in your own point of view. Nobody really means to do it, but it happens. It seems like a long time ago (probably because it was), I didn’t know how to cook. Oh sure, I could do basics like grilled 

Rapini and Barlotti Bean Pasta (with @PastaBoyPeter)

Rapini and Barlotti Bean Pasta (with @PastaBoyPeter)

I am lucky enough to have surrounded myself, in this city, with some great people: good friends, and good foodies. Sometimes those lines cross, and those who  were already good foodies became great friends. My buddy Peter Ciuffa (aka @pastaboypeter) fits into both categories. Even 

Butter Paneer {Vegan option}

Butter Paneer {Vegan option}

It’s the end of January, and let’s be real; comfort food is on the menu 24/7. For breakfast most days I have warm maple oatmeal, and lunches are often rice bowls with tofu and veggies, or a hearty soup. I am craving warming, comforting foods 

Indian-Spiced Mac & Cheese

Indian-Spiced Mac & Cheese

Comfort food, thy name is noodles. Here in Vancouver, the forecast is nothing but clouds with raindrops for the next 7 days. It just doesn’t stop. When it’s deluging enough so that your thoughts turn to building an ark, it’s time for noodles. It’s always