Digital Marketing for Writers

Digital Marketing for Writers

The internet dominates so much of both our personal and professional lives these days, but this wasn’t always true. I’m of the last generation that were born into a world without the internet. Yeah. I’m old. I started writing when I was 9, and when 

How Recipes Keep Us Connected

How Recipes Keep Us Connected

There are two things that keep me connected to my mom, whom I lost to cancer in 2008. The first is her wedding rings. My dad gave them to me after she died, and sometimes I wear them when I feel like I need a 

Rebecca Hosting the Cooking Stage at The Wellness Show this Weekend!

Rebecca Hosting the Cooking Stage at The Wellness Show this Weekend!

I’m very excited to say that I’ll be at The Wellness Show February 3 & 4 at the Vancouver Convention Centre, which is this weekend. Now, you might be saying, “but Rebecca, you’ve been at The Wellness Show probably for 10 years, what’s changed?” And 

Taking a break to focus on something new…

Taking a break to focus on something new…

I had a whole host of content planned for y’all this month. I really did. The plan was to take a few weeks off at Christmas, but come back with new content in early January. But something big happened to me in early January and 

Year in Review: 2021

Year in Review: 2021

It’s hard to process when we think that there was a time in March of 2020 when we thought we were going into lockdown for two weeks. It’s now been two years and still the pandemic continues. Not to start this post on a super 

2020: The Year that Was

2020: The Year that Was

Honestly, I thought I might skip the “year in review” post this year. I mean, I certainly wasn’t ready to write it while it was still 2020. Normally these “year in review” posts go something like: here’s how many posts I wrote this year, this 

Tips for Going Plastic Free

Tips for Going Plastic Free

It’s almost July, and that means the start of #PlasticFreeJuly. Every year, millions of people all over the world (250 million in 177 countries, to be exact) participate in a challenge called #PlasticFreeJuly. The idea is, they make a commitment to banning the use of 

Sourdough Focaccia

Sourdough Focaccia

When the going gets tough… the tough head to the kitchen. Cooking and writing have always been my best therapy. But there’s a bonus to being able to cook and bake, and that’s being able to take care of other people. A few nights ago, 

Sourdough Bread for the Apocalypse

Sourdough Bread for the Apocalypse

Well that went escalated quickly. I try to be active on this platform at a minimum of once a week(ish), and last week’s post had nary a mention of the words pandemic, social distancing, quarantine, or apocalypse, words, which I feel like I now hear 

Let’s Make Less Waste

Let’s Make Less Waste

Last year, I watched the documentary Just Eat it.  Jen and Grant are a local couple who decide to make a three-month commitment to not purchase groceries, but rather to scavenge every bit of food. It sounds weird, right? Who would take up dumpster diving