Blueberry Mango Custard {Vegan}

If you ever come to my house and open any of my kitchen cupboards or fridge, you'll likely not find a ton of room in any of them. Of course, some of them are dishes and cookware (as well as a growing cache of props for food styling), but usually my pantry and fridge are pretty full.
This is because I get cravings for stuff, and when I do, I want to always know that I pretty much have everything on hand that I need to make brownies, a random birthday cake, or pie.
When the pandemic started, this problem got worse, because for a while there, there were certain items that were hard to find, like yeast and flour. So now I feel like I live in this perpetual state of scarcity mindset, where, in order for me to feel safe, I need to know that my big green tupperware containers (they're so 1970's, but I love them) are full of flour, sugar and oats.
But then that also means that I maybe have stuff in there that needs using up. Like the dried lentils and beans in mason jars (which, let's be real, will never go bad, but after a while...)
A few pantry ingredients I pretty much always have on hand went into the making of this bright, spring dessert. I love having cans of mango puree; I add it to smoothies, mostly, and you don't have to worry about peeling or pits. I always have chia seeds (another smoothie ingredient) and Lotus Biscuits (because dessert YES). And I always have a can of Bird's Custard, which is this kind of secret vegan ingredient that is so amazing. And local frozen blueberries! For smoothies, again, mostly, but there are so many other possible applications, as well.
This Blueberry Mango Custard a really simple, layered dessert, but it's full of bright flavours. It's not complicated at all to make.

Blueberry Mango Custard
for the bottom layer
- 4 Biscoff Lotus Biscuits
for the middle layer
- 1 cup coconut milk canned
- 3 tbsp mango puree canned
- 2 tbsp Birds custard
- 2 tbsp sugar
for the topping
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/4 cup water
- 2 tbps chia seeds
For the bottom layer
- Crush up the 4 lotus biscuts either by hand or in a blender, and divide between two pretty glasses or ramekins.
For the middle layer
- In a small saucepan, add the Bird's Custard and the sugar and whisk them well together.
- Now add the mango puree and the coconut milk. Whisk well
- Turn on the heat to medium-high, and continue whisking until the custard comes to a boil. As it boils, it will thicken. This should take about 5-7 minutes.
- Divide the custard into the two glasses and place in the fridge to set while you do the next step.
For the blueberry topping
- Place the frozen blueberries and the water in a small saucepan over medium heat and bring up to the boil. You can add sweetener like maple syrup if you like, if you think it's not sweet enough. Once it's boiling, using a potato masher or the back of your spoon to mash up and burst the berries as well as you can. This will help to further thicken the "jam."
- Remove from heat and sprinkle over the chia seeds. Give it a quick stir, then leave for about 5-10 minutes to thicken.
- Spoon the bluebery mixture overtop the custard mixture in the glasses, and again refrigerate.
- Garnish with an additional lotus biscuit or a slice of mango and serve.