Author: Rebecca Coleman

Local Gifts for Foodies

Local Gifts for Foodies

Every year, I like to do one of these “gift guide” kinda posts, recommending products I’m currently loving as a foodie. This year, I’ve decided to do a hyper-local version, including only foodie products that are produced here, close to home. I usually do include 

Spurs & Saddles Cocktail

Spurs & Saddles Cocktail

I was recently at the brand new Chop Steakhouse that just opened up in Coal Harbour. Now, you might be asking, “Rebecca, what business do you have at a steakhouse? There can’t be anything for you to eat there?” You’d actually be surprised, they have 

3 Holiday Events in Vancouver

3 Holiday Events in Vancouver

Well, guys, here it is, the first of December. I’m not totally sure where the year has gone, or even, for that matter, the last coupe of years, but it’s nice to be back in a place where things feel like they are more “normal” 

Miso Pasta

Miso Pasta

It’s hard to even think about, but Christmas is just one month away and 2023 is right around the corner.  Where did the year even go? Is it just me, or does time seem to go faster as you age?  We are deep into Vancouver 

Onion Tarte Tatin

Onion Tarte Tatin

I’m weird. This will come as no surprise to those of you who know me well. If you go with me to a restaurant for the first time, I’m always going to try to order the weirdest thing on the menu. I want to try 

Chai Spiced Chocolate Truffles {Vegan}

Chai Spiced Chocolate Truffles {Vegan}

I have very strict rules about Christmas stuff, and despite the fact that I’m seeing Christmas displays everywhere already, I think it’s still too early. My rule is always “not till after Remembrance Day” but honestly, in my house, nothing gets Christmas-ified until December. And 

White Chocolate, Pecan & Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies {Vegan}

White Chocolate, Pecan & Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies {Vegan}

It’s November! and World Vegan Day! I don’t know where the year has gone, but here we are smack dab in the middle of fall and starting to think about Christmas. One thing I like to do every year is bake batches of cookies (which 

Fall Salad {Vegan}

Fall Salad {Vegan}

We’re having a very strange fall here on the West Coast. June was rainy and cold, so it feels like September and October are trying to. make up for it. We’ve had an incredibly dry and unseasonably hot September and October so far, but rain 

Hummus Pasta

Hummus Pasta

Something exciting is coming, folks!! For the past few weeks, I’ve been working on something big… something I’ve been talking about doing for a long time, but just since the beginning of fall have actually committed to putting into motion. I don’t want to spoil 

Vegan Thanksgiving Pudding

Vegan Thanksgiving Pudding

Well, that one really snuck up on us, didn’t it? Thanksgiving feels waaaay early this year. Luckily, I’m prepared (for once 😂). This week, I have another farm visit booked, and I’m looking forward to it (and all the yummy things I’m gonna make with