Vegan Baking Made Easy: it’s here!

You guys!! It's here! It's here!!
After all the work and the waiting and the tears, my new cookbook, Vegan Baking Made Easy: 60 Fool-Proof Plant-Based Recipes is being published TODAY!
If you've already pre-ordered via Amazon, it should be delivered to you in the next couple of days! And then you bake! all! the! things!
Here's a video I took on July 5 when I got to see my copy for the first time!!
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I just wanna say, it takes a village to raise a book, and I wanted to thank some really special people who helped me so much:
I’m deeply grateful to Angela and Vicki, both veteran authors themselves, for all the messages, phone calls, emails, and cards, but especially for all the times I needed someone to bounce ideas off of. Thank you both for all the unwavering, unconditional support.
To Fred, my fellow food nerd, for the many conversations over cups of coffee, the random Facetime calls to make sure I was okay, and the “Fredex” supply deliveries.
For Farzana, my sister—you live in my heart.
For Simi, the only person allowed to phone me—thanks for your mom’s kheer recipe.
For Faye and Chef Nathan, staunch supporters and pillars of knowledge.
For all my Jens, thank you. May all you out there be blessed with as many Jens as I have been.
For all the recipe testers, but especially Jane, Rita, Kristi and the Vandefluit-Duffys (hi, Rowan and Colin!).
For my mom, whose recently acquired green recipe box, as it turned out, inspired many of the recipes in this book and who ignited my love of baking. I miss you.
For Michael, who is always my number-one reason for everything I do. Thanks for putting up with me whenever I shove something in your face and say, “Taste this!” I love you.
And thanks to all of you for buying it! I appreciate each and every one of you! <3