I’m Writing a Cookbook!

Holeeeey smokes!

You guys, I have a big, HUGE announcement to make: I am writing a cookbook. Legit.

This is the real deal, you guys, I just signed a contract with Robert Rose.

Robert Rose is a Canadian Cookbook publisher out of Toronto. They do cookbooks of all kinds, as well as books about health and wellness and parenting. It's the perfect match.

aquafaba cookbook robert rose rebecca coleman

Let me tell you the backstory, then I'll tell you more about the book and what it's going to be about.

Last year, in September, I attended the International Food Blogger's Conference in Seattle for the second time. I was actually giving a talk there, on how to use social media to promote your food blog.

After my talk was over, this man came up to me and introduced himself as Bob. Turned out, he was a cookbook publisher, and he asked me if I might be interested in publishing a cookbook.

Now, this is something I've thought about in the past. A couple of my friends have gotten cookbook deals, and I was really happy for them, but I couldn't see it happening for me, because I don't tend to make up recipes out of my head. I'm much more of an adapter, so that kinda rules out cookbooks, where the content needs to be completely original.

He gave me his card and told me to email him if I had any ideas, and we left it at that. But there was this seed planted...

I started to have ideas for cookbooks, and I started discussing and refining them with my friends, and last last year, I pitched one of the ideas to Bob.

We had a phone call, and agreed the idea needed further refinement, but he wasn't saying "no" at the time. We would work on it some more.

Robert Rose


But then one day, I randomly sent him an email and all it said was: "what you REALLY should have in the works... for a cookbook is one dedicated to Aquafaba. This vegan egg replacer is blowing up the internet for the last year. :-)"

That was it. He asked me if I could write that book, and at first I balked. I wasn't the right person... I wasn't good at making up recipes from scratch, etc etc. Quite honestly, I was terrified. Despite being a food blogger for 5 years, I've never done anything like this before, and it scares the crap out of me!

But that, my friends, is precisely why I'm doing it. I'm terrified, but I also know that if I don't do it, I'll regret it. This is a bucket-list item, one I didn't even know was on my list, but now that I do, I want it so bad.

So. I am writing a vegan cookbook about aquafaba.

I have a signed contract. I will be writing the book this summer, and the publication date will be the spring of 2017.

How amazing is that??!

On a personal note, you may find me less here blogging over the next few months, as I focus and pour my energy into writing this cookbook. My apologies, but when it comes to recipe development, I'm doubling- and tripling-up right now, so I beg your patience. I will be back in full force in the fall after I've submitted the manuscript.

Thanks for your support, and I will keep you updated as to the book's progress as we go along. What an exciting journey!

Watch me make my big announcement on Facebook Live:




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