Mila Plant Based

Mila Plant Based

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m grateful to live in a city that is bursting with an abundance of plant-based restaurants (click to see my favourite vegan dishes in the city). Not just restaurants in a traditional vegan way. Don’t get 

Down 2 Earth Plant Parlour

Down 2 Earth Plant Parlour

Well, I don’t know how brave you guys have been, but I haven’t been doing a lot of eating out lately. Yeah, I logged some hours on some patios this summer, but for the most part, any restaurant food I’ve eaten has been mostly takeout. 

Commercial Drive Bakeries

Commercial Drive Bakeries

I am a girl who likes her sweets. I love a good bakery. And a cluster of them together??!? Pure gold. You can walk from one to the next, and that, my friends, burns calories so you can have an extra cookie or a slice 

Best Vegan Dishes in Vancouver

Best Vegan Dishes in Vancouver

Welcome to Vancouver. We are one of the best cities to live in and visit if you are a vegan or a vegetarian. In fact, nearly 40% of BC residents under the age of 35 say they eat no meat, and 6.4 Million Canadians say 

Kouign Amann in Vancouver

Kouign Amann in Vancouver

Gentle readers, meet my newest obsession, the Kouign Amann (say “queen aman”). If you’ve never heard of this deliciousness, two things: I am sad for you, and go remedy the situation and get some now! The Kouign Amann hails from the Brittnay region of France, 

@Flourist Chocolate Chip Cookies

@Flourist Chocolate Chip Cookies

Things I think a lot about: sustainability, the environment, and how we can save the planet. Well that’s a bright and cheery intro, hey? Okay. But seriously. The main reason I gave up eating meat all those years ago is because of the environment. And 

Vancouver’s Best Croissant

Vancouver’s Best Croissant

Last summer, I was in Paris. Le sigh. Sadly, I cannot go to Paris every summer. This seems wrong, but nevertheless…. While I was there, my goal was obviously to do the cool Paris things that one does; museums, architecture, food. You can read all 

Portugese Tarts In Vancouver

Portugese Tarts In Vancouver

Last summer, when I was in the UK, I was staying with my friend Jeremy about an hour outside of London in Brighton. I set aside one day to take the train in and explore my favourite places in London; I had lunch at Nopi 

Scones à la Forage

Scones à la Forage

I live in the West End, and I have walked past Forage a tonne of times. I even tried to eat there once or twice, but I ended up there at times when they were closed. I was really happy to finally make it there