What to Do After You Hit Publish #IFBC15

What to Do After You Hit Publish #IFBC15

Later this morning, I’ll be co-presenting a workshop with Lorraine Goldberg of Allrecipes.com at the International Food Blogger’s Conference in Seattle. Our presentation is called What to Do After You Hit Publish, and it’s all about how to use social sharing to drive traffic to 

Healthy Food on $4 a Day

Healthy Food on $4 a Day

I am in such a great place right now. My blog is blooming, and the past year, since I started to treat it professionally, it has really taken off. I’m thankful. Truthfully, there were days, not long ago, when I first was starting my PR 

December Blogging Challenge

December Blogging Challenge

Welcome to December! This is the crazy month of parties, gifts, turkey, and family. Hopefully, somewhere in there, you’ll get some downtime, too. I, along with a few other of my intrepid fellow bloggers, are doing a blogging challenge this month. The goal (for me) is 

3 Food Movies Reveal the Secret Sauce of Life

3 Food Movies Reveal the Secret Sauce of Life

I don’t get to the theatre often. It’s a reality of my life, despite the fact I love theatre and film, and remain deeply connected to the local communities. My schedule just doesn’t support it. But last night, I did get out to see Chef, 

My DIY $20 Lighting Kit for Food Photography

My DIY $20 Lighting Kit for Food Photography

It’s winter! And it’s dark! Thank goodness we’re finally past the shortest day of the year, and the days are finally starting to get longer. But it’s been harder and harder to get really good photos these last couple of months, because I rely pretty 

Tips For Taking Fabulous Food Photos

Tips For Taking Fabulous Food Photos

When I started this blog a few years back, the photos that accompanied the recipes were… horrible. I mean, really, really bad. Cel phone photos, mostly, which improved marginally when I moved from a BlackBerry to the iPhone 4. I went through a Hipstamatic phase 

A Love Letter to My Knife

A Love Letter to My Knife

I got interested in food somewhere in the early- to mid- nineties. I’d just graduated from University, and finally had a job and a place of my own. I had a fiance and, later, husband. I was an adult. I had a very close-knit group 

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

Every fall, my son and I have an annual tradition. We drive out to Richmond Country Farms and go to the pumpkin patch. We gear ourselves up with boots (it gets super mucky out there!), take the little hay ride (and sing songs) out to 

Cooking by Laptop

Cooking by Laptop

In my house growing up, pepper was considered exotic. I remember clearly the first time I got my dad to eat a Caesar salad. It was a huge victory. Suffice to say, I descend from very unadventurous palates. My mom left  her German/Russian Mennonite home